A Charismatic Prayer Community

History of Lighthouse Community


   Our history is a story of the Lord sending many people to us. In the later part of 1971 the Lord sent a lady to Sister Christine asking about the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.  From this encounter a prayer meeting emerged, which eventually moved to Little Flower parish.


  That same year the pastor of St. Lawrence Church requested a prayer meeting in his parish.  Thus there were two prayer meetings going on simultaneously at two different parishes with the same leadership.  In January, 1978 in prophecy and vision the Lord unexpectedly gave the name Lighthouse Community.


   The two groups merged and officially became Lighthouse Community and since then have met at St. Ignatius Parish.  St. James prayer Group and St. Ignatius prayer group joined Lighthouse Community.


Founders Sr. Chris Edwards and Bro. Joesph Spehar



Lighthouse Community is a spiritual family whose members are Baptized in the Holy Spirit; expect, use and share the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Led by the Spirit, we are dedicated to help bring about the New Pentecost and live the Will of God on earth as it is in heaven.    


  • Grow and meet with other Christians!

  • Learn to make God and your faith a part of your everyday living!

  • Discover, experience and grow the Gifts of the Holy Spirit!

  • Teachings on how to grow in a personal relationship with Christ!




Our Mission is to bring all to a new life in Christ, to experience God’s personal unconditional love and to experience and share God’s spiritual gifts:

    • Mass with Healing Services

    • Life in the Spirit Seminars

    • Weekly Praise and Worship Meetings

    • Teachings

    • Prayer Ministries

    • Healing Prayer Ministries

    • Small Support Groups

    • Intercessory Prayer Minitries

    • Web Page & Newsletter

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