Cancer is growth that is running wild and out of control.
Christian ministry is important! The charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit are ministry gifts. However, there are many ministry projects that are cancerous, sometimes ego-inspired, sometimes of Satanic origin.
The devil is not opposed to good works; he is opposed to Jesus. He is an angel of light, calling attention to what appears good. “And Eve saw that the fruit was good.” But our experience is that the “good” all too often comes as a package deal — with a hidden trap, customized for the gullible. We’ve heard the lie: “If it’s a good work — any good work — you should do it.” Not true! Yet eager-beaver Christians are easy prey.
Beginning in the 60’s and up through the turn of the century, we saw the Satanic cycle: good works sprouted everywhere, multiple good works eroded prayer time, prayer life was watered down or abandoned, vocations were lost and the good works that started it all were abandoned. This is another demonic success story.
Satan is still at work, so the trend continues.
How many prayer groups do you know for whom “ministries” was their downfall? Multiple ministry projects, not prayer, was top priority, and cancer — activity running wild — killed the group. How many leaders have worn themselves out and ended up in a weakened state and then sought consolation in unhealthy ways, ruining their lives? Some even abandoned their Faith.
Success can tickle one’s pride, and like cancer, take on a life of its own — and run out of control. If we give the First Commandment top priority, the Spirit gracefully leads us into specific ministries He has chosen. The Spirit doesn’t lead us into good ministries, but into the best ones for us.
Growth in union with God must be first. If the group follows the leading of the Holy Spirit, rather than the urgings of an overactive thyroid, healthy ministries will sprout and bear abundant fruit.
May God grant you the gift of politely saying No, without guilt, when your discerning heart says No.

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